Zojila PASS is most Difficult Pass In Ladakh, leh to Sonamarg

hello friends welcome to another day full of adventure and thrill. leh to sonamarg 333km non stop full excitement. although zojila tested my patience but it was worth riding for. Fatula top was mesmerizing. and the road was to good except at zojila. These passes are one of the Highest and dangerous Pass in Ladakh.

Fatula Top is one of the two highest mountains between Leh and Srinagar.The other one is Namika la at the elevation of It is closest to Lamayuru. The Prasar Bharti serving relay station that is serving Lamayuru located on this Pass. 

The Height of Fotu La pass is higher than Zojila but it is less dangerous than Zojila Pass. 

zojila pass is gateway to ladakh on srinagar leh highway

The pass is a vital link between Srinagar And Ladakh. It is also a gateway to the Dras region and Suru valley. The pass is strategically important to the Indian army, It was captured by the Gilit rebels in 1948 to take control over the Ladakh region. But it was recaptured by Indian forces. First time in the history of world Indian forces used tanks on such a height. 

Sonmarg is just 15 km away from zero point. Which is a famous tourist spot. Time to visit : Mid- June to Mid-October is the ideal time to come.

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