Picture’s Of Snow Covered Spiti Valley In Winters.

Spiti Valley in winters is completely a different world altogether. Thick Layer of snow covers almost everything and create a majestic and most picturesque view of mountains. Winters are perfect Time to capture some awesome picture’s of snow covered spiti for life long memories.

here are some Photos of spiti valley captured by me during my winter trip. These Images are free to download and use for any non commercial purpose. do give credit to author for these great pictures.

Spiti Valley In Winters

The days you spend in Spiti during your winter journey are a lifetime memory for you that you will never forget. Weather in Spiti valley during winters is very extreme and challenging. With temperatures going as low as – 20 to -40 degrees at night. You must be physically and mentally fit to survive. Read More about Is Visiting Spiti Valley Safe in Winter and for complete travel guide to Explore Spiti Read 13 Unique Places To Visit In Spiti Valley 2023.

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Watch Video’s of Spiti Valley in winters

winter spiti travel vlog cover showing key monastery and chicham bridge
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van struck in snow youtube video banner about winter spiti trip

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