Some Simple Things You Can Do to Contribute in Protecting the Earth.
Remember earth provides us everything necessary to survive and live a good life. it is our responsibility to return the favor. It’s our duty to respect and value nature and do our part. So It’s very important to save the earth. Here are some simple things everyone can do. This way we can say thanks to our planet for everything we have. So let’s help and protect the earth for our next generations to come otherwise there will be nothing left to travel and explore

Some Simple Tips
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
It’s simply Cut down on what you throw away in the dustbin. Follow these three “R’s” to conserve natural resources. Everything comes with a price. A planned waste management can also be a life saver. Reduce Single use materials, Reuse the things rather than throwing them. Recycle whatever can be recycled.
Love Nature.
Volunteer for cleanups in your community. You can get involved in protecting the environment and Forest. Nature knows how to create a balance. But sometimes it’s not good for mankind, frequent climate change is resulting in global warming and natural disasters like heat waves, drought, higher sea level, abnormal weather patterns.
Educate The Young.
When you further your own education to the young generation, you can help others understand the importance and value of our natural resources. It’s our duty to make them more aware and conscious of environmental problems and to boost their interest in caring for and improving the environment. It will be their world in the future, they have to face the consequences of the present, that’s why they should know how to protect it.

Conserve and Save water.
Water is necessary for the sustenance of human life and Fresh water is a limited resource, this makes water conservation an important factor for the environment. The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean. World without water can’t survive.
Choose Sustainable Energy.
Although we have done some irreversible damage to the environment, there’s still hope that we can maintain and conserve this earth for future generations. Use of sustainable or renewable energy is one of them. Be careful about how you use the non renewable energy resources.
Say No to Plastic.
Most of us are aware of the Risks that plastic can cause for the environment. Plastic takes centuries to decompose.During that time, it releases harmful toxins into the ground and water. Buy and use less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag or a reusable water bottle. Every small step matters.

Save Electricity.
Reduced energy usage also reduces the demand for fossil fuels and, in turn, lower the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.Energy efficient light bulbs reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Also flip the light switch off when you leave the room. that’s why saving electricity is necessary to save the earth.
Plant and protect a Tree.
Air Pollution is a major concern in today’s world and planting and protecting trees are one of the best solutions. Trees provide us food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the air, A single tree can be home to hundreds of species of insects,Birds, fungi, moss, mammals, and plants. Depending on the kind of food and shelter they need, different forest animals require different types of habitat. Without trees, forest creatures would have nowhere to call home. Trees also help combat climate change. Don’t Just plant a tree, Help it to grow also.

Don’t Pollute our Waterways.
think before you throw. Every time you wash your clothes or utensils or use any type of cleaning agent, you are contributing to water contamination if it is chemical based. Choose non-toxic chemicals in the home and office. Avoid throwing waste in waterways. Dumping the garbage only at any designated place.wastewater that eventually ends up in the ocean results in polluting water resources. Water pollution has resulted in significant damage to human health.
Bike more. Drive less to save the Earth.
Try to use more Eco-friendly methods to travel. Ride Bicycles i’t’s also good for your health. Using public transport and Carpooling for going to work is also an effective method. Less pollution emitted by vehicles means less air pollution and clean air to breath, resulting in a healthy life.